责编:上海摄影网 作者:佚名 发布时间: 2012-05-28 来源:浙江摄影网 点击:5766 次 【
China Mobile Cup
The fourth International Mobile phone Photography about to start
“China mobile cup” the MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) photographic competition that relies on the Shanghai international photographic art exhibition has thrived in Shanghai for three sessions. Now the 3rd session is undergoing. The competition is among the first to conduct and widely accepted by authorities and celebrities of photographic circle. Since the first session held in 2006, professional and immature from the USA, the UK, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Australia and provinces and cities all over China have enthusiastically joined the competitions. Award of the competition, 50,000RMB, is presented as the most generous amount in Shanghai for a single picture. People can compete by sending MMS or uploading to the internet. All the works will be showed on the website of SPAC and China Mobile.
We will officially announced conditions and rules, please expectation.